Strategic Governance Consulting Services with Julia Eastman, recently completed an external governance review of the University of British Columbia Vancouver Senate Download the...
by Cheryl Foy What is Independence in a Board Context? It is broadly accepted in corporate governance circles that boards entrusted with overseeing corporate entities must be largely comprised of independent members. Anyone in a material relationship with an...
Setting resolutions at the start of the new calendar year is a long-standing tradition for many in the Western world, whether it’s resolving to improve upon habits or setting quantifiable goals. Even if you’re not in the practice of setting New Year’s Resolutions, the...
And so ends my first year in business helping universities and other organizations improve their governance. The purpose of this blog is to thank you, my colleagues and clients, for your trust and support. I am grateful for the privilege of working with all of you...
This is the second in a series of blogs (Read Part 1 Here) examining what university boards can learn from the Ontario Auditor General’s Special Report (“Report”) on Laurentian University (“LU”) (Read the Full Report). This blog also draws from the letter (“Letter”)...
It won’t surprise you to know that I’ve spent some time in the last few days reading and rereading the Ontario Auditor General’s Special Report (“Report”) on Laurentian University. I appreciate the Report and while I don’t think it gets everything right, I think it...
Hey University Boards – It’s time to get excited about (or at least focused on) your university’s policy framework As this blog is being written while I’m on a flight, I’ll use the following analogy: In this analogy, I am travelling on an independent airline and they...
In a survey I conducted of Canadian university governance professionals in 2021, 65% of those responding agreed that if their roles were better understood and valued, they could make more of a contribution to effective governance of their institutions. The survey was...
It is a best practice for universities to review their governance practices. I was pleased to work with my project partner Dr. Julia Eastman to conduct a comprehensive review of Dalhousie’s governance. This review arose from its most recent strategic planning...
I recently had the pleasure of participating in a panel at the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Council of Chairs of Ontario Universities (CCOU) conference. It’s always a pleasure to speak at this conference and to “virtually see” so many familiar and friendly...